Friday, September 10, 2010

They used to live in the most eastern part of the Germanic tribes

They used to live in the most eastern part of the Germanic tribes, occupied the Danube basin and the Black Sea coast south of the land was divided into East Gothic Dnieper and Mexico Special two separate tribes. Visigoths and skilled, herve leger bandage dress first capture of Rome, after Rome and cultural assimilation of Spain, 8th century when the Moors conquered Iberia in Latin with the mixed ingredients into one; East Goths through the Balkans to Italy, AD 493 occupation of Italy, AD 555 by the Byzantine Empire absorbed. sense of Gothic art style, appeared in the late twelfth century, mainly in construction and painting, originated in France, near Paris. herve leger dress The reason is called decoration, etc., seem so boring and barbaric, so only people who have destroyed the Roman civilization, Goths can do it. Gothic style building on the main buttress the use of cornices, in order to make Wall burden greatly reduced, so the wall of glass windows to open sharply possible. Gothic architecture mostly churches, towering appearance into the cloud, the internal space, high ceiling atrium both herve leger bring a sense of Ascension, and the transmission of light from the glass windows out of the blurred sense of the whole building both visually high stalwart, slim and elegant.
content point to significant The Gothic, point to terror, dark, grotesque, barbaric, such as the Gothic novel, Gothic music .17,18 century Gothic novels popular in England, first of all, describes in eerie Gothic castle in revenge or Tales of Mystery and later has a new extension, such as historical novels of Sir Walter Scott, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Poe's short stories, Anne. Rice's vampire novels. 80 years from the last century , the same from the United Kingdom, indulge in dark, gloomy feelings of a class of music, known as the Gothic music, the first division-level bands are Joy Division, Bauhaus, etc., singing death, fear, dark, occasionally popping a religious theme, or by death metal and chant female bipolar and home of the king knight so nostalgic look back to the times. in the development poles, heaven and hell are no longer limited to narrow the original religion, they become the new symbol vectors, such as the original and is worthy of awe awakened, is worthy of sinking into the darkness and the dark, if that is because people can only be so real too narrow, arbitrary, and I prefer to think that this is preached in the Cartesian self-expansion while remaining immortal in the blood of apprehension.

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