Saturday, February 12, 2011

Offense from the great responsibility trouble to harm public and safe offense change

He Bing:Offense from the great responsibility trouble to harm public and safe offense change, come up to speak to is also the breakthrough of this case in the certain degree.Used great responsibility trouble before offense to sentence, canned be to wait trouble to come out, killing the talented person could sentence.And the in order to dangerous method endanger public and safe offense to sentence of an advantage be, doing not appear important trouble can also sentence.Endanger public and safe offense in dangerous way, even if have never resulted in result, also can judge for commit crime.Be placed to the insecurity mineral to the worker and labor in the well, equal a crime, not necessarily must have an accident past.This also has a certain caution function to the case in our country aftertime.Is also bright to safe producing a caution light, is also caution towards illegally breaking the law safe production of.

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